Everyday Classrooms

Feminist Pedagogies in #MeToo Era

Shivani Gupta

While there has been a wave in which women have come forward to share their experiences there is a shift in attitudes,
especially within institutional settings. The movement has generated fear and a mutated silence where most privileged individuals, cis-abled upper class men, are afraid of getting caught rather than understanding and engaging with sexual vulnerabilities that various sections of society experience. The accountability of people has been erased through impositionof institutional directives. The various steps being brought into institutional operations are to curb criticism rather than eliminate sexism and misogyny. In this environment, the paper examines and explores feminist pedagogy as a way to rethink and reorganise classrooms into equal, safe and empowering spaces. The paper analyses and presents various tenets and principles that can be used in classrooms, even the ones that are not focused on women and/or gender studies, where students and teachers share power and are made accountable towards one another and society.

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